Loving your corn stove so much that you take it with you when you leave
This is a story shared with us by Neil and Sue Farrell who love their Magnum Countryside stove so much that they took it with them when they moved.
We purchased our Magnum Countryside stove from Brubaker Corn Stove Heating (Climax, Michigan) about 5 years ago. We have since sold the home that we had originally purchased it for, but we would NOT allow the buyer of our home to purchase the stove (as she tried to do with our sales contract). We moved the stove into our new home 2 years ago and Brubaker came out to install it. We installed it into our basement, and with help of a box fan, we blow the warm air up to the living level of our new ranch home.
Our floors are radiantly warm, and the living spaces are warm and comfortable. If we had installed it on the main level we would have been way too hot since this little stove just works and works and works! This is the first year we will have to replace our fuel stirrer, and this stove has been virtually maintenance free. We just perform the weekly cleaning of the exchangers, door, and firepot and that is that. If I had a complaint to make it would only be that I wish the by-product was not a thin film of black soot on surfaces down in the basement. That is such a minimal thing compared to the benefits of using this source of heat though. The winter air smells like popcorn, and our house is so cozy. I would buy or recommend this stove to anyone! This stove paid for itself years ago with the savings of buying corn versus propane!
photo credit: Daquella manera