Green living is important. Ideas for making this lifestyle choice more simple are priceless. For awhile it seemed that everywhere you turned you heard the word “green”. American Energy Systems has been around since the 1970’s, and has been inventing “green” technology for decades before the term entered mainstream vocabulary. The good news is that we understand why green living is so important to people, and we’ve been able to offer simple heating solutions that are both green and easy to implement. The simplicity is for the end user. While the technology is complex and cutting edge, the ease of using wood pellets in a Magnum appliance is simple.
Wood Pellet Fireplace Inserts and Stoves
A wood pellet stove or fireplace insert is a simple, greener choice for efficient winter heating. Saving the planet is one reason that people decide to adopt a greener lifestyle and another is to save money. Depending on where you live, winter heating costs can eat up your budget quickly. One solution is to choose a low-cost, low-maintenance heating system that is also more ecologically friendly. Wood pellet burning stoves and wood pellet fireplace inserts are a greener choice for heating your home than fossil fuels or electricity. Here are a few reasons why wood is a better heating source.
Less Environmental Impact
Wood burns clean and leaves less residue than other fuels. When you buy a pellet stove or furnace, you have a lot of options in terms of the type of fuel you can use. But one thing all these options have in common is that they come from 100 percent renewable sources. A green furnace runs on fuel that’s grown, not mined. “Grown” fuels include wood pellets, corn, wheat, cherry pits, and more.
Wood Burns Clean
Low emissions. Pellet stoves rate as the most efficient of all solid-burning residential heating appliances, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Materials in pellet form burn more completely and efficiently and today’s design improvements allow hot air generated by your flame to be used most efficiently. Many of the products we offer exceed EPA clean air requirements, making them the ultimate green appliance.
Costs Less Than Other Heating Fuels
The costs for using wood can be pre-determined and budgeted ahead of time by buying your pellets in advance. Wood pellets can be purchased and stored in a cool, dry place. Paying for your winter heating costs ahead of time saves a lot of time and money, especially when you can shop lowest prices, sales, or get a bulk discount. Flex-fuel appliances offer these advantages!
Magnum wood pellet fireplace inserts and stoves are decorative and energy-efficient heating sources for modern homes. They provide a warm, comfortable heat and you can customize the look with a variety of colors and accessories to match your home’s décor. Find out how much money you can save by choosing a wood pellet fireplace insert.