Modern heating experts agree that running your unit on a lower heat setting for longer periods of time is the best, as opposed to running it on high and then turning it down or frequently adjusting it up and down. All MagnuM and Country Flame pellet stoves come thermostat capable and can also be run on a manual heat setting.
Thinking of Using a Thermostat with Your Pellet Stove?
If you are using a wall thermostat, it is best to set your appliance on a medium heat setting. When the thermostat calls for heat the unit will change from a pilot fire to the medium setting and bring your home up to the desired temperature. If the unit cycles too often or cannot keep up during extreme cold conditions, change the setting to accommodate longer periods of time between pilot fire and heat setting cycling.
Heat Efficiency and Stability
Typically, a manual operation setting will give you a more stable temperature in your home. Most units will heat the area needed on a medium heat setting, rather than going from a lower to higher setting all of the time. When heating requirements demand a little more or less heat, simply turn the appliance to a setting that meets those needs.
Shelled corn burns hotter than wood pellets, and a mix of both fuels will be somewhere in between. Therefore a lower heat setting on your pellet stove is likely to put out more heat from burning corn, which means the likelihood of needing to turn up the heat control is less. Find out what works best for you!
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