One of the most talked about questions in the alternative energy and renewable heating fields is:
“How much can I expect to save if I switch to an alternative heat source like a corn or pellet stove?”
Everyone’s story will be different but you can expect to save 60% or more on your heating expenses. I look at it two different ways.
- If I took a couple thousand dollars and invested it in savings I would make maybe 3-5 percent on my money.
- If I take that same money and invest in a corn stove or furnace I will get a 40-60 percent return on my money every year.
The frosting on the cake is that while saving money my home will be warmer than when my primary unit was heating my home, and I get the added benefit of the ROMANCE that a fire creates. We have story after story about how the corn stove became the focal point of the home bringing families together.
Do you have a story to share about your corn stove? We’d love to hear from you.