The over abundance and low price of corn has many people considering this homegrown fuel choice. The current price of corn is appealing, and burning it is much better than letting it go to waste. If you have a brand new corn burning stove or you’ve had a pellet stove for years but have decided […]
The Secret to Saving a Ton of Money on Heating Costs
One of the most talked about questions in the alternative energy and renewable heating fields is: “How much can I expect to save if I switch to an alternative heat source like a corn or pellet stove?” Everyone’s story will be different but you can expect to save 60% or more on your heating expenses. […]
Minnesota Mom Loves Saving Money With Her Corn Stove
Frugal living at our home? Absolutely! We live frugally at our house, or at least, we try to. I love finding a good deal, shopping the sales rack, saving money, and having a coupon when I go out to eat. It is very, very seldom that I pay full price for anything. We have a sun-room addition on our home […]
Burning Corn, Not Corn Cobs
You’ve heard the stories from centenarians of living through the depression and other tough economies. Many of those stories revolve around saving money on food and getting by on cheap fuel to heat their homes. So many people tell stories about chopping wood and throwing corn cobs in their stoves to keep warm. With corn […]