In the past, purchasing a solid fuel appliance for your home meant increased insurance costs, possible no-burn days and problems on where to store the fuel. Today’s high-tech clean burning appliances have eliminated the need for expensive chimneys that cause most fires and have brought a smile to most insurance companies faces with the reduction in claims.
Alerting Your Insurance Company You’re Buying a Pellet Stove
American Energy Systems (your flex-fuel, corn, and wood stove experts) has been instrumental in providing seminars to insurance companies around the nation to prove that modern day appliances are safe and do not have the problems that the old fireplaces and stoves once had.
Some insurance companies do not charge extra for adding in a Flex-fuel stove, fireplace insert or furnace, while some will charge a small yearly fee. If you are having trouble with your insurance company you can find another insurance company that will write you a policy. There are plenty who would love to work with you and your choice for alternative heating.
It is usually required to contact your insurance company before purchasing a solid fuel appliance. Being proactive will ensure proper coverage of your home and eliminate problems should a problem occur. Your insurance agent will be able to answer your questions and ensure proper coverage.