With the cold weather here, people are asking questions and seeking answers about pellet stoves, corn stoves, and other alternative heating methods. This post is meant to serve as a linked guide to more information about some of the most commonly asked questions we’ve answered over the years. If you have a question that is not mentioned here, please leave it in the comments section and we’ll do our best to provide you with help as quickly as possible.
Can I burn last year’s wood pellets or corn in my stove?
Can I still qualify for the 2010 energy tax credit?
Why is there ash in my house from my pellet stove?
What are BTU’s and how can I choose the best heat efficiency appliance based on BTU’s?
Will a pellet stove or corn stove heat my whole house?
- Heating a Big, Drafty Old Farm House article relates to this question, as does One Mom’s Journey: Our Corn Stove
How do I choose the right appliance for my home?
Can I burn corn cobs in my pellet or corn stove?
How much maintenance is a pellet stove, and how often do I have to clean it?
Can I use a corn stove if I live in the city?
What are wood pellets made out of, and if I choose a wood pellet burning stove am I harming trees?
Do I still need to keep my furnace if I get a pellet stove?
Will a corn stove or pellet stove save me money on my heating?
Why don’t I hear more about pellet stoves or heating with corn on the news?
Chris Christopherson says
I have a new magnum countryside stove, why can i not get my flame to burn like it is suppose to?
admin says
What is the flame doing? Is it going out? Not burning hot enough? What are you burning? Which firepot are you using?