Using a wood burning fireplace to heat a home is a great option for many people. Fireplace efficiencies have come a long way, and while some people prefer the modern conveniences of pellet stoves, others still like to burn wood the “old fashioned way”. If splitting wood still appeals to you or smelling the sweet sent of a wood fire, then The Inglenook, The Smart Fireplace, or the Magnum ZC wood burning fireplaces are some great wood burning options.
If you buy before the end of 2010, you can still take advantage of the Energy Tax Credit which you can read about here.
According to Kirk Stover, a MagnumZC owner, the fireplace has exceeded his expectations. “I just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with our Magnum ZC fireplace! This unit has exceeded our expectations regarding its quality, performance and appearance. Since installation, our LP furnace has not run at all. The fireplace keeps our 2000 square foot Northern Minnesota home well over 70 degrees, even when it has been 30 below zero. Although we are burning predominately softwood (aspen, some birch), we have enough coals in the morning to start a new fire.”
If you have questions about the Magnum ZC wood burning fireplace or other wood burning options, please contact us at [email protected] or fill out our Great Discounts form for more info and savings.
I have this ZC Magnum fireplace in my home. It works awesome for heating my home, except 1 thing. After we have a fire in there for say 5 to 6 hrs a great cherry coal base the fan turns off for the remainder of the day? It has to be hot enough, as you can barely stand in front of it without burning the hairs from your arms. Why is it turning off? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The blower must be plugged up with dirt or wearing out and the heat is kicking off the thermal protector in the blower. If it comes back on after a bit this would be the case. Also, if the snap disk is wearing out or not touching the metal surface it could be flexing away from the metal and shutting the blower off. Check the snap disk, clean the motor and if it still does this replace the motor. ZC-45B