If you have made the decision to purchase a Magnum Wood Pellet and Corn Burning Stove, there are a few resources you should know about.
Great Discounts
First, if you haven’t filled out our “Great Discounts” form to tell us a little bit more about the products you’re considering and the goals you’d like to achieve, it only takes a minute. You can complete the Great Discounts Form here.
Upcoming Events
Next, if you are looking for an event to see our pellet stoves in action and ask some questions of our dealers, there are quite a few upcoming events in Iowa and Nebraska!
Locate a Dealer
To locate the closest dealer to you, check out our pellet stove dealer locating tool in our “Where to Buy” section.
Shopping Convenience Online
And of course, if you want to shop online and experience our great e-commerce service, simply shop for your pellet stove here.
YouTube and Facebook Too!
There are dozens of helpful corn, pellet, stove, and maintenance theme videos posted to YouTube, and of course, you can join in the conversation on Facebook, where our Heating with Alternative Energy fans support each other, ask questions, and post their tips.
We hope these resources will help you be on your way to saving money and enjoying the warmth of your new pellet stove!
i have a magnum furnace and im having alot of trouble with the mounting system that mounts the motor to the shaft of the augerthe long bolts do not hold at all and are all striped i would like a new assembly bolt system with longer bolts so I can tighten the system down properly the system is not designed very well at all you should have a rubber boot under that area to hold it up and give it more support please call me 9204753835 any suggestions for me
Typically we have not had problems with this system. The only time we see it is if the fuel has a quality problem and is jamming things up and making it hard on the auger system. I would suggest cleaning up the auger tube and hopper and then checking the quality of your fuel. Might help. If the auger is scratched on the inside of the tube, then the fuel is bad or something jammed up the system and caused your problems. There is another bracket system that is used on one of our other products that will fit on your furnace but we would need the model number and serial number of your unit along with the purchase date. Please email all of that to [email protected] and they can help you.