Finding good advice you can trust has multiple advantages. When it comes to the helpful advice Revolution Heating offers its customers, the benefit is clear. They recently contacted American Energy Systems regarding a very happy customer, knowing that advising customers to 1) buy quality hard wood pellets,2) service their appliances annually, and 3) ask for advice when needed, makes all the difference!
It is our pleasure to share the comments Revolution Heating received, and the impressive savings a Countryside owner has recently experienced.
“I bought a Countryside Insert in 2008 and love it. It’s overall value really impressed me, and the savings are amazing! For the 2011-12 heating season, I paid $1250 for 5 tons of pellets (the best hardwood pellets from Revolution Heating). My savings in Kerosene at this year’s prices alone were about $2000!! I can count on Rick and Laura at Revolution Heating Products for all my biomass heating needs – can’t get better than that!”
Scott Wheeler, Chateaugay, NY
We’re pleased that Mr. Wheeler was able to spend less on his heating bill and put more money back in his wallet!
Revolution Heating is a Magnum dealer in Brainardsville, New York, servicing the northern part of the state. Revolution Heating is only about an hour and a half south of Montreal, Canada! If you’re in the area of Revolution Heating, stop in and talk to Rick and Laura about your heating needs.