People who have made the switch to a renewable fuel heating appliance have found the benefits astounding. In many cases the bottom line cost savings with wood pellets, corn, or other renewable fuel sources dramatically reduces homeowner energy costs.
“The real bonus of this whole story is the (pellet) stove has saved us so much in propane. We just checked our gauge and we have only used 10% of our fuel since the 1st of November.” Carol C.
Whether you live in town with city utilities or in the country with your own propane tank, heating costs account for a large percentage of your monthly bills and personal household budget. We’d all agree that leaving the front door wide open in January isn’t good for your heat bill, yet many old, traditional forms of heating simply aren’t good ideas either anymore. Renewable heat is much more cost effective, and it continues to become more mainstream.
“Our LP furnace in the past would kick on in the early morning, but with this new stove we found the furnace does not come on which is really nice.” Roger B.
With winter heating bills under control people are able to save more money. Now that the 2012 and 2013 tax credits for biomass stoves have been extended, people can save even more! We hear from people every day who are happy to have hundreds of extra dollars each month for living expenses, vacations, or to simply put into savings.
“Thanks for keeping more of our money out of the oil companies hands; they have got enough!” Del C.
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