Nestled in the basement of his single-story ranch house in southeastern Wisconsin, Dean Kieler tops off his Magnum 6500 furnace with wood pellets. The furnace sits near his older, more traditional propane fueled furnace that doesn’t get a lot of “love” these days. It’s the Magnum furnace that gets Dean’s attention and praise.
Dean invested in his flex-fuel furnace three years ago after he started doing research on alternative heat sources. He did his homework and read through online reviews. He decided on the 6500 furnace that he installed himself with the help and guidance of a friend in the HVAC industry. “The furnace has worked great from day one,” Dean says. “It takes a little attention in the form of maintenance and cleaning once in a while, but the savings are well worth it.” When needed, the technical support from American Energy Systems is very helpful. The terminology used and the information supplied is “perfect for a Do-It-Yourselfer like me,” he says.
Having grown up with a wood burning stove and various fireplaces in his home, Dean is no stranger to alternative heat, as well as the many heating options available. “Wood, propane, oil, you name it, I’ve had experience heating with it, but nothing compares to the heat of this wood pellet furnace.” Prior to installing his pellet furnace, Dean remembers spending $1,700 per season on propane heat to keep his home a meager 65 degrees. Since the installation of the pellet furnace, his heating costs have dropped to a staggering $800 per season and “for less money I’m able to keep my home much warmer than we could otherwise. The pellet furnace keeps the house at a steady 72 to 74 degrees all winter long. If I had one complaint, it is that the furnace can make the house so warm we have to shut it off!”
The furnace continues to peak the curiosity of his friends and family, but Dean doesn’t mind taking the time to explain how it works and answer questions. The biggest interest tends to come from those who have outside boilers. “They’re envious that I have my supply of wood pellets in my basement, and that I don’t have to put on shoes and venture outside in the snow and cold.” This ease and simplicity was a major factor in buying the Magnum furnace, as Dean wanted something his wife and kids could easily fill in his absence. An outside boiler and a wood burning appliance definitely didn’t offer the same benefits.