It’s been a chilly spring in many parts of the country, so many pellet stoves are still working hard to keep homes warm. Make use of those ashes by emptying on your garden plot and tilling in when you are ready to plant. Ash is good for the garden because it will raise the pH and lower the acid in soil. There are some plants that like more acidic soil though, so plan accordingly.
- Use up those pellets and corn. Now is not the time to buy in bulk, but rather buy only what you will burn in the coming weeks. You don’t want to keep and store fuel (wood, corn, or other) over the summer. The humidity will reduce the fuel quality and cause issues when you try to burn it later.
- If you reversed your ceiling blade fans to clockwise during the winter to pull cool air up and keep your home warmer as it circulates your pellet stove heat, you’ll want to change the blades before it gets too hot outside.
- Spring is a good time to make safety a priority. Practice tornado drills and fire drills. Have a family plan. Inspect your stove for any safety concerns or repair needs.
- Replace batteries in smoke and carbon-monoxide detectors. Check the dates on your smoke and carbon-monoxide detectors. They have an expiration date and need to be replaced.
- Change the filters in your furnace, so it is ready when you want to turn on the air conditioner. If you used your furnace fan/blower to circulate your pellet stove heat, the filter needs to be changed.
- Completely clean your pellet stove or fireplace before you shut it down for the summer. Take care of regular maintenance and repairs.Order any parts you need and consult our technical department with any questions you may have. That way your appliance is ready when you need it.