Corn Stoves…Pellet Stoves…Corn Pellet Stoves
What exactly is a corn pellet stove anyway?
This question is likely in response to the confusing term “corn pellet”. More than likely, people are inquiring about a multi-fuel burning pellet stove that also burns corn. With so much information online, the people we talk to often know that some pellet stoves can burn corn. Therefore, the search term, “Corn Pellet Stove” gets used to research appliances and information related to what the industry calls a flex-fuel or multi-fuel stove.
American Energy System’s pellet stoves burn corn and a variety of renewable fuels, which makes them flex-fuel appliances. However, our stoves burn corn kernels. Instead of a “corn pellet”, our appliances are technologically advanced to burn pure shelled corn for an intense, readily available and efficient source of heat for your home. We published an article outlining the benefits of Magnum Countryside and Country Flame pellet stoves equipped to burn a multitude of renewable fuels.
“When you’re picking the fuel that works best for you, it often comes down to cost, availability and personal preference”