Everywhere you look and read, someone is talking about “going green”.
Most traditional methods of heating homes and offices rely on fossil fuels, which has garnered attention in the “green movement”. As we all start to focus our attention on alternative energy options…
…there has been a lot of discussion about using corn as a fuel.
Universities across the nation have done studies along with environmental groups, and the consensus is that the life cycle of corn burning results in a neutral or slightly positive effect on our environment.
What does that mean? It means that the emissions are very low compared with wood burning, and it also means that the end cost to our environment and to our economy is positive.
There is a high cost associated with our traditional ways of heating. Political, social, environmental impact are only a few ways we pay the price for sticking with “tradition”. When we take a look at the cost of war associated with protecting our traditional fossil fuels alone, using renewable energy right here at home takes on a broader meaning.
Have you considered using a corn stove to heat your home or business? What is stopping you?