Greenhouses Getting “Greener” With Renewable Energy Greenhouses and nurseries have unique needs when it comes to controlling temperatures and heating vast spaces during less than ideal weather. Consistency is important, as are choices and control. When you mix in the need for finding environmentally friendly options that save money, your selection automatically reduces. That’s why […]
Fall Savings & Back to School Shopping
It’s that time of year again, when we start thinking about back to school shopping, fall projects and expenses, and how we can save more than just a little money. As people return from vacation and start to focus on the cool weather ahead, our phones start to ring off the hook. Even though temps […]
Keeping Our New Baby Warm
It’s important to have a warm home during the cold winter months. It’s even more important to have a warm and comfortable home when you bring a new baby home during the middle of winter. A Magnum Countryside or Winchester stove is a great option to pumping plenty of warm, toasty air into your home […]
Straight Talk About Going Green With Your Heat
Everywhere you look and read, someone is talking about “going green”. Most traditional methods of heating homes and offices rely on fossil fuels, which has garnered attention in the “green movement”. As we all start to focus our attention on alternative energy options… …there has been a lot of discussion about using corn as a […]