What happens when you get to the point of needing to cut your oil usage? One person shares how he cut his fuel usage after turning to an alternative heat source like the Countryside pellet stove.
Cutting Fuel Oil Usage
Dominic Gaurin, a happy Countryside pellet stove owner tells his story: “We purchased a Countryside stove in Mid January. After a couple months we figured out that we cut our fuel oil usage by 3 gallons/day and were only using 1.5 bags of wood pellets.
At the current price of oil, it is an estimated savings of 4-5 dollars/day. Plus, we are keeping sections of our house a lot warmer than we were able to do before. With the way the prices of oil are going these days, it definitely was a great purchase.”
“…we cut our fuel oil usage by 3 gallons/day…”
We agree. With the rising price of oil and widespread dependence on foreign oil, now is the time to find out how you can cut your fuel oil usage too. Do you have a heart warming story you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Email your story to [email protected]