If you are looking for more ways to save money on heat, then you’ll want to take advantage of all these ways to save today.
Ways to Save Money on Heat
First, the tax credit for qualifying renewable energy appliances has been reinstated for 2013. You can find out all the details of this additional savings here.
Next, Magnum Countryside and Country Flame heating appliances are high efficient heat sources, utilizing the latest technology to get the most out of each of your dollars. When you heat with renewable energy and have multiple choices, the savings is quite astounding. You can calculate your savings here.
And, American Energy Systems offers half off of shipping, so you can save even more money. We also provide a free guide that will help you make the most economical choice in appliance, as well as a decision on what is right for YOU! You can request your free guide now and get on our mailing list for other Great Discounts.