Pellet stoves will have you handing some ash. The best recommendation to prevent ash on your skin is to wear gloves. However, maintenance with our stoves and fireplaces is so quick and simple that it’s tempting to quick empty an ash pan.
Get Ash Off Your Skin
If you get some ash on your skin, stop what you are doing and wash it off before you touch something else. Wash as much as you can off with soapy warm water. If a stain persists, try a gentle exfoliate like baking soda or a pumice stone. For stains around your fingernails, rub a slice of lemon into your nails and finger tips. Rinse with soap and water. Lemon juice and exfoliates can leach moisture from your skin, so make sure you use a hand moisturizer.
How to get ash out of carpet
Ash is very fine and can smear very easily. Try not to step on the spot or rub the ash. Pick up any pieces (if possible) and then vacuum the spot with a hose attachment. Rolling a vacuum over a spot of ash is likely to spread it. From here, Good House Keeping has some tips on using dry solvents to remove ash from carpet.