What is a bushel of corn? A bushel refers to a unit of measurement that dates back to the Middle Ages, and has undergone some changes in its definition and measurement representations. Most commonly used to measure dry crops in agriculture, the US industry still uses this term in reference to standard weight of crop […]
Request a Renewable Energy Appliance Brochure
We LOVE the web and our customers, and devote time each day to making sure our information, products, and our pellet stove brochures are up-to-date on our website. New articles are posted each week on our blog and What’s New section, we engage with fans on Facebook and Twitter, and post videos to YouTube and […]
Eye on USA During the Olympics and After
The 2012 Olympics in London have been an exciting display of talent and dedication. Americans are proud of our USA athletes and their accomplishments. And while we won’t see the Summer Olympics again for four more years, we can continue to keep our eye on the USA for our many other accomplishments. The USA continues […]
Warm Bread by the Fire
One Baby Countryside corn stove owner, Cindy a self-proclaimed Tidy Tightwad, let us know that she uses the top of her corn stove as the “perfect warm place” for allowing bread dough to rise. Stop over on a day off, and you’re likely to see Cindy’s 5 Minute Artisan bread rising on the top of […]