Yes, pellet stoves and corn stoves on the market today need electricity in order to work. If you want to run your corn stove during power outages, you will need to purchase a battery backup and inverter. These can be purchased at local retailers such as Best Buy and Circuit City, and many people in areas prone to bad winter storms and power outages find comfort in having a battery backup, even if it’s seldom needed.
Wondering how much electricity a pellet stove uses? Read, “How Much Electricity Does It Take to Run My Pellet Stove ?”
Hi there. I live in an eskimo village in Western Alaska, far from the electrical grid that covers the “road system” part of our state. We do have a local electric utility (AVEC), but I’ve been thinking of building a home and going off of the grid completely, using wind and solar and a pellet stove for heat. Do you know of anyone running their pellet stove off of a wind/solar/battery system? Have their been problems with that approach? Any input you have would be appreciated.
Great question! We created a blog post to answer your question. Please let us know if we can help any other way.