If you have questions about buying a wood fireplace, you’ve come to the right place. According to Census data, over 2.4 million homes heat with wood and the rising percentage is “faster than any other heating fuel,” as published in USAToday. More people every day begin researching whether this alternative heating option is right for them. With foreign oil prices high and the economy struggling to rebound, it’s understandable that Americans are looking for less expensive ways to heat their homes.
People explore wood fireplaces for a variety of reasons, but the common include:
An ample supply of wood for fuel. If you live in an area where wood is readily available and abundant, a wood fireplace or wood stove may be a good option for you. Not all wood is the same, and it’s not all the best for burning in your home. Learn more about kind, quality, and condition of wood you should burn in a fireplace.
Saving money on heating bills. This is another driving force for most people. Wood burning stoves and fireplaces are not the same as they were years ago. They’ve come a long way in technology, heat efficiency, and esthetics. Heating with wood can save you plenty of money, put out more heat than an older, traditional furnace, and “exceed expectations” as one owner puts it.
Inclement weather. Living in an area with frigid weather, frequent storms, and cumbersome power-outages is often another reason people seek out the reliable heat of a wood fireplace. Wood fireplaces and inserts can keep your house or business warm during a power outage, and we’ve posted more details here.
Whether you want to join the ranks of other American families who are happy with their choice in heat or simply want more information on the differences in fireplaces, American Energy Systems is your “go-to” place for information. You can speak with a heating specialist about your specific questions or concerns, or post them here and we’ll respond.