If you own a pellet stove, then you are used to regular maintenance, cleaning out the hopper, emptying the ash pan, etc. A part of your regular pellet stove maintenance should include removing any dust from inside your stove, around the motor and internal parts. Just like dust can build up over time on your […]
My Checklist
I can’t believe I’ve only had my corn stove for a few weeks. It already seems like it’s been a part of our home for a long time. Gone are the days when I fretted over doing everything perfect or worrying I’d forget something. I have watched the maintenance and fuel videos on YouTube posted […]
Pellet Stove Safety and Maintenance
Help! My stove is blowing up in my face, what causes that? Signed, Singed and Smoking With the design of the combustion system in a MagnuM stove, it is nearly impossible for the appliance to puff back, flare up and out the door, or “blow up in your face”. If you are experiencing this with […]