Heating with corn is not a new option for homeowners, but for some this may be the first time they’ve given the method serious consideration. Whether traditional heating oil prices rise or become less available won’t matter if you make a plan to heat with renewable energy sources like corn and wood pellets. American Energy […]
Is it ok to burn treated seed corn in my corn stove?
Can I burn treated seed corn in my corn stove? Sorry, but it is not safe to burn treated seed corn. Seed corn is often treated with chemical pesticides that are harmful or fatal if swallowed; therefore, seed corn is dangerous to even have in the house, especially where children and pets can reach it. […]
Cold Proof your House!
Bundling Up Inside Your House? Tired of bundling up inside your house? Cold proof your house today with a pellet stove and stop with all the extra blankets, sweatshirts, and pairs of socks. Life doesn’t have to be that way inside your own home on cold days. Gail Howell of Hemingway, South Carolina wrote about […]
Winters in Augusta, Maine
Tough Winters Mean a Tough Heating Bill The winters in Augusta, Maine can be brutal not only outside, but on one’s monthly heating budget as well. In February 2013, Jacob Michaud had had enough. He and his wife were burning through 200 gallons of fuel oil each month to heat their 3,500 square foot home. […]
Fall Allergies and Renewable Fuel
Allergies Pellet Stoves & Questions Did you know that heating with renewable fuel isn’t necessarily a conflict with allergies? Many people ask about allergies and the ability to switch to a renewable fuel source like a corn stove or pellet stove. With the advanced technology in our appliances, the solution isn’t in the type of […]