Everywhere you look and read, someone is talking about “going green”. Most traditional methods of heating homes and offices rely on fossil fuels, which has garnered attention in the “green movement”. As we all start to focus our attention on alternative energy options… …there has been a lot of discussion about using corn as a […]
From the Corn Field to Your Corn Stove
Many people who own corn stoves or who are considering buying a corn stove ask this question: Can I buy corn directly, in bulk, from a farmer? Farming is the backbone of America, and many people view buying corn directly from farmers as a way to support the industry, spend money locally, and save money by buying […]
Alternative Heat Solutions for City Dwellers
Many people are excited about the prospect of saving money and burning corn for heat, but have questions about how alternative heat and fuel accessibility works for people in larger cities. After all, they don’t necessarily have corn fields in their backyards like many mid-westerners. So how do you access and/or buy corn if you […]
Burning Corn, Not Corn Cobs
You’ve heard the stories from centenarians of living through the depression and other tough economies. Many of those stories revolve around saving money on food and getting by on cheap fuel to heat their homes. So many people tell stories about chopping wood and throwing corn cobs in their stoves to keep warm. With corn […]